
November 30, 2023

Office of Marketing & Strategic Communications

圣安东尼奥学院和圣安东尼奥ISD宣布了新的技术早期大学高中医疗保健途径, or H-TECH, 该项目将为福克斯科技高中即将入学的九年级申请者提供获得应用科学副学士学位和注册护士证书的机会. 

这个新项目回应了圣安东尼奥地区对护士日益增长的需求,并为攻读学位的学生消除了障碍, 快速帮助他们进入高薪医疗职位,包括注册护士和护士经理. It’s projected that there will be an annual average of over 26,000 local registered nursing positions needed by 2030, about an 18.3% increase compared to averages in 2020.

澳门新葡京博彩为这次合作对我们社区的积极影响感到自豪,因为我们合作实现了通过教育和培训消除贫困的登月计划. 这种合作将为无数高中生创造成功之路,并满足未来医疗就业市场的需求,” said Dr. Mike Flores, Alamo Colleges District Chancellor.

HTECH Web 2.jpg“这个新项目完全符合圣安东尼奥学院的使命,即为学生在完成学业后获得出色的职业生涯创造学术途径,” said SAC President Dr. Naydeen González-De Jesús. “At the same time, the program will meet the growing need for nurses in San Antonio.”

该计划是通过SAISD和圣安东尼奥学院之间的合作伙伴关系实现的, along with Methodist Hospital Metropolitan and University Health. H-TECH at Fox Tech students can earn a high school diploma, an associate of applied science degree, and choose to complete industry-based certifications in patient care technician, pharmacy technician, phlebotomy technician, or EKG technician – at no cost.  

“我们致力于为学生提供改变人生的教育机会,” said SAISD Superintendent Jamie Aquino. “As we deepen our partnership with San Antonio College, 这个新的学位计划将消除寻求护理职业的学生家庭的经济障碍.”

Once students complete the six-year H-TECH program, 毕业生有资格参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)。. After passing the exam, 毕业生将成为德克萨斯州的注册护士,并可以在一年的时间内完成护理学学士学位(BSN), 而不是两个-降低学生的经济负担,同时增加他们继续接受高等教育和赚钱的潜力.

“It's the first program of its kind in Texas. 我们真的很兴奋,”福克斯科技高中校长詹妮弗·贝纳维德斯说. “这对我们来说是一个服务社区的机会,与我们的合作伙伴一起为圣安东尼奥的学生提供护理工作.”

HTECH web 3.jpgWith the new degree plan, H-TECH的学生在九年级开始学习双学分课程,并可以完成整个应用科学护理副学士课程, along with prerequisites for a Bachelor of Science in nursing, by their sixth year. Directly aligning with an Alamo Colleges District RN-BSN pathway, students split their time between Fox Tech High School and San Antonio College, with the last two years spent exclusively on the college campus.

Committed to offering hands-on and lifelong learning experiences, 卫理公会医院和大学卫生院都为学生提供最先进的医学模拟, instruction by highly qualified nursing staff, and clinical rotations for certification requirements.  

“In my role as the Chief Nursing Officer at Methodist Hospital Metropolitan, representing our dedicated nursing teams and administrators, I am delighted to embark on this exciting partnership,” said Dr. Chadi Awad, Chief Nursing Officer for the Methodist Hospital Metropolitan. “我们的共同承诺是通过积极参与培训来培养未来的护士, mentorship, and providing support throughout students' journeys. Together, we aim to empower these individuals to become proficient health care team members, dedicated to serving our communities effectively.”

“大学健康很高兴能与SAISD福克斯技术高中和圣安东尼奥学院进行这种变革性的合作, 因为我们热情地致力于推进我们的使命和遗产,服务和教育我们的社区," said Dr. Charles Reed, Associate Chief Nursing Officer for University Health. “我们社区的学生将有机会学习医疗保健专业知识,并在最先进的医疗保健环境中接受培训,为专业发展奠定基础. This innovative program will also foster future generations of nurses, 对于我们快速增长的社会对高质量的同情心护理提供者的需求,哪一点是至关重要的.”

Established in August 2020, H-TECH项目致力于让学生和它所服务的家庭处于教育和医疗保健行业的前沿. 

Applications to the new program for incoming ninth graders open Dec. 1. The inaugural classes for the program will begin in the fall of 2024. For more information and to apply, visit